miercuri, 24 martie 2010


Adaptation it's a movie directed by Spike Jonze. The scenario is n adaptation written by Charlie Kaufman of Susan Orlean's book: "The Orchid Thief".

Charlie Kaufman is the main character in this choral movie, he’s a screen writer with a new assignment: to adapt writer Susan Orlean's "The Orchid Thief" into a screenplay. A book based on the life of John Laroche, an exotic plant collector.

Charlie is in trouble… because even with all his proven talent he can’t easily find the way to adapt Susan’s work, a book with no plot. The middle age crisis is getting worst, in the presence of Charlie’s easygoing twin brother Donald, who is writing a serial killer script with ease.

With parallel montage, the viewer makes a leap in time and discovers Susan Orlean’s story: as she does her research for the book on John Laroche, the colorful orchid thief and falls in love with him.

What's weird and in the same time magnificent is the fact that the characters are real, that's the great question that mumbles in your head after viewing this film...where is the line between real and imagined?

Off course the fact that they used the real names of their characters proves that the screen writer wanted that dazzling confusion. And in a sort of way it’s obvious for me that writing yourself in your own script can make you feel God.

Anyway, even if I felt this movie… a little long, I have to admit that the end puzzled me. I expected a twist, and at a point I even guest that Susan and John will fall in love (it’s a movie after all) but the end managed to surprise me (I will not be more specific, I do not want to spoil the end for those who haven’t seen the film)

As a general grade 8 out of 10!

Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

Bună Ziua
Eu sunt Vlad, unul dintre membrii Radio Whisper, un radio anti-manele dedicat bloggerilor şi nu numai.
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Cu stimă Vlad!